
Pracodawcy Pomorza


Polsko-Szwedzka Izba Gospodarcza zaprasza na spotkanie na temat zarządzania i pracy zespołowej w Szwecji


Polsko-Szwedzka Izba Gospodarcza zaprasza na spotkanie na temat zarządzania i pracy zespołowej w Szwecji, które poprowadzi gość ze Szwecji :


Per-Erik Persson, Personal Business Coach:

How to encourage engagement and create consensus at work environment

Flat Management and Teamwork, the Swedish way to do business successfully

12.04.19, Olivia Business Centre, Sky Club, godz. 09.00-11.00


Spotkanie warsztatowe w j. angielskim.

Zgłoszenia prosimy kierować do dnia 8.04.19  : psig@psig.com.pl


Let’s prepare to tackle big challenges, by Per-Erik Persson:

Sweden has invested a lot in understanding how teams work. Being a small nation we need to use our resources wisely. The Swedish Defence University has created a couple of concepts to support transformative leadership. I started my career by learning their development of groups and leaders. During our morning together you will experience the team workshop I have developed to help companies train their teams. It’s based on already proven concepts and research.

My mission is to serve all who wish to grow and take more responsibility. I dedicate my time to helping people cooperate and build healthy, authentic relations. In both their workplaces and their community. 


9.00 Welcome

9.15 Introduction to teams

9.30 Team Challenge

9.45 After Action Review – the tool that will increase productivity by 20%

10.00 What can we learn from research?

10.30 What can we apply in our companies?

11.00 END