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WEBINIARIUM nt. rynku budownictwa publicznego w Sztokholmie

WEBINIARIUM nt. rynku budownictwa publicznego w Sztokholmie,

4 listopada 2020 r. w godz. 9.00-11.00


W imieniu organizatorów webinarium : SISAB oraz przedsiębiorstw Familjebostäder i Invest Stockholm zapraszamy na

webinarium, podczas którego zostaną przedstawione komunalne projekty budowlanych oraz informacja nt. rynku budownictwa publicznego w Sztokholmie w dobie pandemii. Jednym z tematów będzie problem zakwaterowania pracowników.


Serdecznie zapraszamy Członków i partnerów Polsko-Szwedzkiej Izby Gospodarczej do wzięcia udziału w webinarium.

Prosimy o potwierdzenie uczestnictwa. Treść zaproszenia wraz z linkiem do rejestracji znajduje się poniżej:

Dear Sir/Madam,


SISAB (The Stockholm School Properties Company), Invest Stockholm and the public housing company Familjebostäder would like to invite you to an online International Construction Summit in Stockholm on November 4th at 9-11 AM. You can hear and see us tell more about the event here: https://youtu.be/PPSEYm54xWk.


During the webinar, we will present a couple of our most interesting construction projects and discuss the post-pandemic future of public construction in Stockholm. We will discuss new procurement ideas and market trends and raise important issues that companies need to think about when operating in Stockholm and in Sweden. You will of course be welcome to ask us questions.

SISAB, The Stockholm School Properties Company, is one of Sweden’s largest property owners. We own and develop the schools and preschools in Stockholm. Together with our tenants and partners, we create a safe and inspiring educational environment for Stockholm’s children. SISAB has over 600 preschools, schools and upper secondary schools within the city of Stockholm amounting to a total of 1.8 million sqm of educational facilities that are used by 200,000 people daily. We have a future investment portfolio of over €2 billion in new school and preschool construction, renovation and maintenance.


Familjebostäder was founded in 1936 in response to the housing shortage that existed in Stockholm in the 1930s. With over 80 years of experience, it has played a major role in building Stockholm, and it continues to do so. The company has moved into its biggest growth period of the modern age. In the next few years, the portfolio will be augmented by up to 5,000 new tenancy rights. This means that during the same period the company will have around 10,000 new tenants, whose needs and preferences must be safeguarded and managed.


Invest Stockholm is the official investment promotion agency for the city of Stockholm dedicated to developing and promoting Stockholm as an attractive destination for international investors and people.


We will not be able to see you in person this time due to the covid-19 pandemic, but we hope to see you online instead!

Register for the event here:


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